Städte beginnend mit: J
in Australia
in England
in Isle of Man
- Jaagbaan
- Jaagbaan
- Jabaroo Outstation
- Jabavu
- Jabiru
- Jabuk
- Jabula
- Jack
- Jack Green
- Jack Hayes
- Jack Hill
- Jack River
- Jack-in-the-Green
- Jack’s Green
- Jack’s Hatch
- Jack’s Mere
- Jackadgery
- Jackass
- Jacketstown
- Jackeys Marsh
- Jackfield
- Jacklom
- Jacks Creek
- Jacks Pocket
- Jacks Yards
- Jacksdale
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson Bridge
- Jackson’s Drift
- Jacksons
- Jacksons Flat
- Jacksonstuin
- Jackstown
- Jackstown
- Jackton
- Jacobs Erf
- Jacobs River
- Jacobs Well
- Jacobs Well
- Jacobs Well
- Jacobs Well
- Jacobsdal
- Jacobsdal
- Jacobstow
- Jacobstowe
- Jacup
- Jaffa
- Jafta’s
- Jagersfontein
- Jaggan
- Jagger Green
- Jagpad
- Jakhalsgezang
- Jakkals Pos
- Jakkalsbank
- Jakkalsdraai
- Jakkalsfontein
- Jakkalspoort
- Jakkalsput
- Jakkalsputs
- Jakkalsvlei
- Jalamba
- Jallukar
- Jallumba
- Jaloran
- Jamberoo
- Jambin
- Jamesbrook
- Jamesgreen
- Jameson Park
- Jameson’s Drift
- Jamespark
- Jameston
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown Little
- Jameyana
- Jamieson
- Jamphlars
- Jan Kempdorp
- Jancourt
- Jandowae
- Jandowae East
- Jane Furse
- Janetstown
- Janeville
- Janeville
- Jangirulu
- Jangurria
- Janiember East
- Janke’s Green
- Jannali
- Jansenville
- Janseput
- Jansil
- Jantjieshoek
- Japoonvale
- Jaraga
- Jardee
- Jardine Valley
- Jardine Yard
- Jardines Landing
- Jarklin
- Jarnatuwu
- Jarra Dale
- Jarrahdale
- Jarrahmond
- Jarrahwood
- Jarretstown
- Jarretstown
- Jarrow
- Jarvis Brook
- Jarvisfield
- Jasper’s Green
- Jaspers Brush
- Java
- Jaw Hill
- Jawbone
- Jawcraig
- Jaylee
- Jaywick
- Jealott’s Hill
- Jealoustown
- Jeaniefield
- Jedburgh
- Jedda Hill
- Jeerabung
- Jeeralang
- Jeeralang Junction
- Jeeralang North
- Jeetho
- Jeffrey’s Bay
- Jeffreyston
- Jeffries
- Jeffries Hill
- Jeffrystown
- Jelbon Leigh
- Jelbyn
- Jellat Jellat
- Jembatcumbene
- Jemimaville
- Jengce
- Jenkins’ Green
- Jenkinstown
- Jenkinstown
- Jenkinstown
- Jenkinstown
- Jenkinstown
- Jennaberring
- Jennacubbine
- Jennapullin
- Jennetts Hill
- Jennings
- Jenny Lind
- Jennyfield
- Jenolan Caves
- Jensen
- Jeogla
- Jeparit
- Jeppe’s Reef
- Jerangle
- Jerby East
- Jerdacuttup
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jerilderie
- Jerpoint West
- Jerpointabbey
- Jerpointchurch
- Jerpointhill
- Jerramungup
- Jerrawa
- Jerrawangala
- Jerro
- Jerry Bailey
- Jerrys Plains
- Jerrys Yard
- Jersey Farm
- Jersey Marine
- Jerseyville
- Jeruk
- Jerusalem
- Jerusalem
- Jerusalem
- Jervis Bay Village
- Jerviswood
- Jervois
- Jesmond
- Jessfield
- Jetsonville
- Jevington
- Jewell’s Cross
- Ji-Balbal
- Ji-Bena
- Ji-Malawa
- Ji-Marda
- Jibbinbar
- Jibolago
- Jiggi
- Jiggiga
- Jigginstown
- Jil Jil
- Jilakin
- Jilliby
- Jilundarina
- Jimbalakundunj Community
- Jimblebar
- Jimboola
- Jimboomba
- Jimbour
- Jimenbuen
- Jimna
- Jimnora
- Jincarry
- Jincumbilly
- Jindabine
- Jindabyne
- Jindalee
- Jindaroo
- Jindera
- Jindivick
- Jindy Andy
- Jingaloo
- Jingalup
- Jingellic
- Jinghi Jinghi
- Jingle Street
- Jingymia
- Jinka
- Jitarning
- Joadja Creek
- Joanna
- Joanstown
- Joanstown
- Job’s Town
- Jobseputs
- Jobstown
- Jobstown
- Jocelyn Park
- Jochmus
- Jockey End
- Jockey Green
- Jockeyhall
- Jockeyhall
- Jockeyhall
- Jodrell Bank
- Joel Joel
- Joel South
- Joewyns Park
- Jogo
- Johanna
- Johannesburg
- John o’ Gaunts
- John o’ Groats
- John O’Gaunt
- John’s Cross
- Johnburgh
- Johnby
- Johnduffswood
- Johninstown
- Johnniesdale
- Johnniesluck
- Johns River
- Johns’ Terrace / Teras John
- Johnsborough
- Johnsbrook
- Johnsfort
- Johnshaven
- Johnson Fold
- Johnson Street
- Johnson’s Hillock
- Johnson’s Post
- Johnsonville
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnstone
- Johnstonebridge
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown Bridge
- Johnstown Demesne
- Johnstown East
- Johnstown Glebe
- Johnstown Hill
- Johnstown Lower
- Johnstown North
- Johnstown North
- Johnstown South
- Johnstown South
- Johnstown Upper
- Johnstown West
- Johnswell
- Joiner’s Square
- Joinersfolly
- Jojweni
- Jokweni
- Jokwenus Location
- Jolly’s Bottom
- Jolwayo
- Jonasfontein
- Jonastown
- Jondaryan
- Jonesborough
- Jonestown
- Jongensfontein
- Jonkersberg
- Jonkersrus
- Jonkerville
- Jooro
- Joppa
- Joppa
- Joppa
- Joppa Pans
- Jordan
- Jordan
- Jordan Avon
- Jordan Green
- Jordanhill
- Jordans
- Jordansquarter
- Jordanston / Trefwrdan
- Jordanstown
- Jordanstown
- Jordanstown
- Jordanstown
- Jordanstown
- Jordanstown
- Jordanstown
- Jordanstown
- Jordanthorpe
- Jordanville
- Jordon
- Joristown Lower
- Joristown Upper
- Josefsdeel
- Josephine
- Josephville
- Joskeleigh
- Jossestown
- Joubert
- Joubertina
- Jouberton
- Jouberts Kroon
- Joubertstroom
- Joulterspark
- Journey’s End
- Jowelbinna
- Jower
- Joy’s Green
- Joyce’s Park
- Joycegrove
- Joyces Creek
- Joyces Island
- Joyden’s Wood
- Joyford
- Jozannas Nek
- Jozannashoek
- Jozini
- Jubilee
- Jubilee Park
- Jubuk
- Judbury
- Juenburra
- Jug’s Green
- Jugbank
- Juggah
- Jugiong
- Jugiong
- Juistzoo
- Jujura
- Jukfontein
- Julatten
- Julesburg
- Julia
- Julia Creek
- Julianstown
- Julianstown
- Julianstown
- Julianstown
- Julianstown East
- Julianstown South
- Julianstown West
- Julies Post
- Julons
- Jumbuk
- Jumbunna
- Jump
- Jumper’s Town
- Jumpers Common
- Junabee
- Junction
- Junction Ferry
- Junction View
- Junction Yard
- Jundah
- Junee
- Junee
- Junee Reefs
- Jung
- Jungaan
- Juniper
- Juniper Green
- Juniper Hill
- Junjuwa
- Junortoun
- Jupiter
- Jupiter Creek
- Jura
- Juradine
- Jurby West
- Jurema
- Jurien Bay
- Jurston
- Jury’s Gap
- Justicia
- Justitia
- Juta
in New Zealand
- Jaagbaan
- Jaagbaan
- Jabaroo Outstation
- Jabavu
- Jabiru
- Jabuk
- Jabula
- Jack
- Jack Green
- Jack Hayes
- Jack Hill
- Jack River
- Jack-in-the-Green
- Jack’s Green
- Jack’s Hatch
- Jack’s Mere
- Jackadgery
- Jackass
- Jacketstown
- Jackeys Marsh
- Jackfield
- Jacklom
- Jacks Creek
- Jacks Pocket
- Jacks Yards
- Jacksdale
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson Bridge
- Jackson’s Drift
- Jacksons
- Jacksons Flat
- Jacksonstuin
- Jackstown
- Jackstown
- Jackton
- Jacobs Erf
- Jacobs River
- Jacobs Well
- Jacobs Well
- Jacobs Well
- Jacobs Well
- Jacobsdal
- Jacobsdal
- Jacobstow
- Jacobstowe
- Jacup
- Jaffa
- Jafta’s
- Jagersfontein
- Jaggan
- Jagger Green
- Jagpad
- Jakhalsgezang
- Jakkals Pos
- Jakkalsbank
- Jakkalsdraai
- Jakkalsfontein
- Jakkalspoort
- Jakkalsput
- Jakkalsputs
- Jakkalsvlei
- Jalamba
- Jallukar
- Jallumba
- Jaloran
- Jamberoo
- Jambin
- Jamesbrook
- Jamesgreen
- Jameson Park
- Jameson’s Drift
- Jamespark
- Jameston
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown Little
- Jameyana
- Jamieson
- Jamphlars
- Jan Kempdorp
- Jancourt
- Jandowae
- Jandowae East
- Jane Furse
- Janetstown
- Janeville
- Janeville
- Jangirulu
- Jangurria
- Janiember East
- Janke’s Green
- Jannali
- Jansenville
- Janseput
- Jansil
- Jantjieshoek
- Japoonvale
- Jaraga
- Jardee
- Jardine Valley
- Jardine Yard
- Jardines Landing
- Jarklin
- Jarnatuwu
- Jarra Dale
- Jarrahdale
- Jarrahmond
- Jarrahwood
- Jarretstown
- Jarretstown
- Jarrow
- Jarvis Brook
- Jarvisfield
- Jasper’s Green
- Jaspers Brush
- Java
- Jaw Hill
- Jawbone
- Jawcraig
- Jaylee
- Jaywick
- Jealott’s Hill
- Jealoustown
- Jeaniefield
- Jedburgh
- Jedda Hill
- Jeerabung
- Jeeralang
- Jeeralang Junction
- Jeeralang North
- Jeetho
- Jeffrey’s Bay
- Jeffreyston
- Jeffries
- Jeffries Hill
- Jeffrystown
- Jelbon Leigh
- Jelbyn
- Jellat Jellat
- Jembatcumbene
- Jemimaville
- Jengce
- Jenkins’ Green
- Jenkinstown
- Jenkinstown
- Jenkinstown
- Jenkinstown
- Jenkinstown
- Jennaberring
- Jennacubbine
- Jennapullin
- Jennetts Hill
- Jennings
- Jenny Lind
- Jennyfield
- Jenolan Caves
- Jensen
- Jeogla
- Jeparit
- Jeppe’s Reef
- Jerangle
- Jerby East
- Jerdacuttup
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jerilderie
- Jerpoint West
- Jerpointabbey
- Jerpointchurch
- Jerpointhill
- Jerramungup
- Jerrawa
- Jerrawangala
- Jerro
- Jerry Bailey
- Jerrys Plains
- Jerrys Yard
- Jersey Farm
- Jersey Marine
- Jerseyville
- Jeruk
- Jerusalem
- Jerusalem
- Jerusalem
- Jervis Bay Village
- Jerviswood
- Jervois
- Jesmond
- Jessfield
- Jetsonville
- Jevington
- Jewell’s Cross
- Ji-Balbal
- Ji-Bena
- Ji-Malawa
- Ji-Marda
- Jibbinbar
- Jibolago
- Jiggi
- Jiggiga
- Jigginstown
- Jil Jil
- Jilakin
- Jilliby
- Jilundarina
- Jimbalakundunj Community
- Jimblebar
- Jimboola
- Jimboomba
- Jimbour
- Jimenbuen
- Jimna
- Jimnora
- Jincarry
- Jincumbilly
- Jindabine
- Jindabyne
- Jindalee
- Jindaroo
- Jindera
- Jindivick
- Jindy Andy
- Jingaloo
- Jingalup
- Jingellic
- Jinghi Jinghi
- Jingle Street
- Jingymia
- Jinka
- Jitarning
- Joadja Creek
- Joanna
- Joanstown
- Joanstown
- Job’s Town
- Jobseputs
- Jobstown
- Jobstown
- Jocelyn Park
- Jochmus
- Jockey End
- Jockey Green
- Jockeyhall
- Jockeyhall
- Jockeyhall
- Jodrell Bank
- Joel Joel
- Joel South
- Joewyns Park
- Jogo
- Johanna
- Johannesburg
- John o’ Gaunts
- John o’ Groats
- John O’Gaunt
- John’s Cross
- Johnburgh
- Johnby
- Johnduffswood
- Johninstown
- Johnniesdale
- Johnniesluck
- Johns River
- Johns’ Terrace / Teras John
- Johnsborough
- Johnsbrook
- Johnsfort
- Johnshaven
- Johnson Fold
- Johnson Street
- Johnson’s Hillock
- Johnson’s Post
- Johnsonville
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnstone
- Johnstonebridge
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown Bridge
- Johnstown Demesne
- Johnstown East
- Johnstown Glebe
- Johnstown Hill
- Johnstown Lower
- Johnstown North
- Johnstown North
- Johnstown South
- Johnstown South
- Johnstown Upper
- Johnstown West
- Johnswell
- Joiner’s Square
- Joinersfolly
- Jojweni
- Jokweni
- Jokwenus Location
- Jolly’s Bottom
- Jolwayo
- Jonasfontein
- Jonastown
- Jondaryan
- Jonesborough
- Jonestown
- Jongensfontein
- Jonkersberg
- Jonkersrus
- Jonkerville
- Jooro
- Joppa
- Joppa
- Joppa
- Joppa Pans
- Jordan
- Jordan
- Jordan Avon
- Jordan Green
- Jordanhill
- Jordans
- Jordansquarter
- Jordanston / Trefwrdan
- Jordanstown
- Jordanstown
- Jordanstown
- Jordanstown
- Jordanstown
- Jordanstown
- Jordanstown
- Jordanstown
- Jordanthorpe
- Jordanville
- Jordon
- Joristown Lower
- Joristown Upper
- Josefsdeel
- Josephine
- Josephville
- Joskeleigh
- Jossestown
- Joubert
- Joubertina
- Jouberton
- Jouberts Kroon
- Joubertstroom
- Joulterspark
- Journey’s End
- Jowelbinna
- Jower
- Joy’s Green
- Joyce’s Park
- Joycegrove
- Joyces Creek
- Joyces Island
- Joyden’s Wood
- Joyford
- Jozannas Nek
- Jozannashoek
- Jozini
- Jubilee
- Jubilee Park
- Jubuk
- Judbury
- Juenburra
- Jug’s Green
- Jugbank
- Juggah
- Jugiong
- Jugiong
- Juistzoo
- Jujura
- Jukfontein
- Julatten
- Julesburg
- Julia
- Julia Creek
- Julianstown
- Julianstown
- Julianstown
- Julianstown
- Julianstown East
- Julianstown South
- Julianstown West
- Julies Post
- Julons
- Jumbuk
- Jumbunna
- Jump
- Jumper’s Town
- Jumpers Common
- Junabee
- Junction
- Junction Ferry
- Junction View
- Junction Yard
- Jundah
- Junee
- Junee
- Junee Reefs
- Jung
- Jungaan
- Juniper
- Juniper Green
- Juniper Hill
- Junjuwa
- Junortoun
- Jupiter
- Jupiter Creek
- Jura
- Juradine
- Jurby West
- Jurema
- Jurien Bay
- Jurston
- Jury’s Gap
- Justicia
- Justitia
- Juta
in Northern Ireland
in Republic of Ireland
in Scotland
- Jaagbaan
- Jaagbaan
- Jabaroo Outstation
- Jabavu
- Jabiru
- Jabuk
- Jabula
- Jack
- Jack Green
- Jack Hayes
- Jack Hill
- Jack River
- Jack-in-the-Green
- Jack’s Green
- Jack’s Hatch
- Jack’s Mere
- Jackadgery
- Jackass
- Jacketstown
- Jackeys Marsh
- Jackfield
- Jacklom
- Jacks Creek
- Jacks Pocket
- Jacks Yards
- Jacksdale
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson Bridge
- Jackson’s Drift
- Jacksons
- Jacksons Flat
- Jacksonstuin
- Jackstown
- Jackstown
- Jackton
- Jacobs Erf
- Jacobs River
- Jacobs Well
- Jacobs Well
- Jacobs Well
- Jacobs Well
- Jacobsdal
- Jacobsdal
- Jacobstow
- Jacobstowe
- Jacup
- Jaffa
- Jafta’s
- Jagersfontein
- Jaggan
- Jagger Green
- Jagpad
- Jakhalsgezang
- Jakkals Pos
- Jakkalsbank
- Jakkalsdraai
- Jakkalsfontein
- Jakkalspoort
- Jakkalsput
- Jakkalsputs
- Jakkalsvlei
- Jalamba
- Jallukar
- Jallumba
- Jaloran
- Jamberoo
- Jambin
- Jamesbrook
- Jamesgreen
- Jameson Park
- Jameson’s Drift
- Jamespark
- Jameston
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown Little
- Jameyana
- Jamieson
- Jamphlars
- Jan Kempdorp
- Jancourt
- Jandowae
- Jandowae East
- Jane Furse
- Janetstown
- Janeville
- Janeville
- Jangirulu
- Jangurria
- Janiember East
- Janke’s Green
- Jannali
- Jansenville
- Janseput
- Jansil
- Jantjieshoek
- Japoonvale
- Jaraga
- Jardee
- Jardine Valley
- Jardine Yard
- Jardines Landing
- Jarklin
- Jarnatuwu
- Jarra Dale
- Jarrahdale
- Jarrahmond
- Jarrahwood
- Jarretstown
- Jarretstown
- Jarrow
- Jarvis Brook
- Jarvisfield
- Jasper’s Green
- Jaspers Brush
- Java
- Jaw Hill
- Jawbone
- Jawcraig
- Jaylee
- Jaywick
- Jealott’s Hill
- Jealoustown
- Jeaniefield
- Jedburgh
- Jedda Hill
- Jeerabung
- Jeeralang
- Jeeralang Junction
- Jeeralang North
- Jeetho
- Jeffrey’s Bay
- Jeffreyston
- Jeffries
- Jeffries Hill
- Jeffrystown
- Jelbon Leigh
- Jelbyn
- Jellat Jellat
- Jembatcumbene
- Jemimaville
- Jengce
- Jenkins’ Green
- Jenkinstown
- Jenkinstown
- Jenkinstown
- Jenkinstown
- Jenkinstown
- Jennaberring
- Jennacubbine
- Jennapullin
- Jennetts Hill
- Jennings
- Jenny Lind
- Jennyfield
- Jenolan Caves
- Jensen
- Jeogla
- Jeparit
- Jeppe’s Reef
- Jerangle
- Jerby East
- Jerdacuttup
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jerilderie
- Jerpoint West
- Jerpointabbey
- Jerpointchurch
- Jerpointhill
- Jerramungup
- Jerrawa
- Jerrawangala
- Jerro
- Jerry Bailey
- Jerrys Plains
- Jerrys Yard
- Jersey Farm
- Jersey Marine
- Jerseyville
- Jeruk
- Jerusalem
- Jerusalem
- Jerusalem
- Jervis Bay Village
- Jerviswood
- Jervois
- Jesmond
- Jessfield
- Jetsonville
- Jevington
- Jewell’s Cross
- Ji-Balbal
- Ji-Bena
- Ji-Malawa
- Ji-Marda
- Jibbinbar
- Jibolago
- Jiggi
- Jiggiga
- Jigginstown
- Jil Jil
- Jilakin
- Jilliby
- Jilundarina
- Jimbalakundunj Community
- Jimblebar
- Jimboola
- Jimboomba
- Jimbour
- Jimenbuen
- Jimna
- Jimnora
- Jincarry
- Jincumbilly
- Jindabine
- Jindabyne
- Jindalee
- Jindaroo
- Jindera
- Jindivick
- Jindy Andy
- Jingaloo
- Jingalup
- Jingellic
- Jinghi Jinghi
- Jingle Street
- Jingymia
- Jinka
- Jitarning
- Joadja Creek
- Joanna
- Joanstown
- Joanstown
- Job’s Town
- Jobseputs
- Jobstown
- Jobstown
- Jocelyn Park
- Jochmus
- Jockey End
- Jockey Green
- Jockeyhall
- Jockeyhall
- Jockeyhall
- Jodrell Bank
- Joel Joel
- Joel South
- Joewyns Park
- Jogo
- Johanna
- Johannesburg
- John o’ Gaunts
- John o’ Groats
- John O’Gaunt
- John’s Cross
- Johnburgh
- Johnby
- Johnduffswood
- Johninstown
- Johnniesdale
- Johnniesluck
- Johns River
- Johns’ Terrace / Teras John
- Johnsborough
- Johnsbrook
- Johnsfort
- Johnshaven
- Johnson Fold
- Johnson Street
- Johnson’s Hillock
- Johnson’s Post
- Johnsonville
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnstone
- Johnstonebridge
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown Bridge
- Johnstown Demesne
- Johnstown East
- Johnstown Glebe
- Johnstown Hill
- Johnstown Lower
- Johnstown North
- Johnstown North
- Johnstown South
- Johnstown South
- Johnstown Upper
- Johnstown West
- Johnswell
- Joiner’s Square
- Joinersfolly
- Jojweni
- Jokweni
- Jokwenus Location
- Jolly’s Bottom
- Jolwayo
- Jonasfontein
- Jonastown
- Jondaryan
- Jonesborough
- Jonestown
- Jongensfontein
- Jonkersberg
- Jonkersrus
- Jonkerville
- Jooro
- Joppa
- Joppa
- Joppa
- Joppa Pans
- Jordan
- Jordan
- Jordan Avon
- Jordan Green
- Jordanhill
- Jordans
- Jordansquarter
- Jordanston / Trefwrdan
- Jordanstown
- Jordanstown
- Jordanstown
- Jordanstown
- Jordanstown
- Jordanstown
- Jordanstown
- Jordanstown
- Jordanthorpe
- Jordanville
- Jordon
- Joristown Lower
- Joristown Upper
- Josefsdeel
- Josephine
- Josephville
- Joskeleigh
- Jossestown
- Joubert
- Joubertina
- Jouberton
- Jouberts Kroon
- Joubertstroom
- Joulterspark
- Journey’s End
- Jowelbinna
- Jower
- Joy’s Green
- Joyce’s Park
- Joycegrove
- Joyces Creek
- Joyces Island
- Joyden’s Wood
- Joyford
- Jozannas Nek
- Jozannashoek
- Jozini
- Jubilee
- Jubilee Park
- Jubuk
- Judbury
- Juenburra
- Jug’s Green
- Jugbank
- Juggah
- Jugiong
- Jugiong
- Juistzoo
- Jujura
- Jukfontein
- Julatten
- Julesburg
- Julia
- Julia Creek
- Julianstown
- Julianstown
- Julianstown
- Julianstown
- Julianstown East
- Julianstown South
- Julianstown West
- Julies Post
- Julons
- Jumbuk
- Jumbunna
- Jump
- Jumper’s Town
- Jumpers Common
- Junabee
- Junction
- Junction Ferry
- Junction View
- Junction Yard
- Jundah
- Junee
- Junee
- Junee Reefs
- Jung
- Jungaan
- Juniper
- Juniper Green
- Juniper Hill
- Junjuwa
- Junortoun
- Jupiter
- Jupiter Creek
- Jura
- Juradine
- Jurby West
- Jurema
- Jurien Bay
- Jurston
- Jury’s Gap
- Justicia
- Justitia
- Juta
in South Africa
in Wales
- Jaagbaan
- Jaagbaan
- Jabaroo Outstation
- Jabavu
- Jabiru
- Jabuk
- Jabula
- Jack
- Jack Green
- Jack Hayes
- Jack Hill
- Jack River
- Jack-in-the-Green
- Jack’s Green
- Jack’s Hatch
- Jack’s Mere
- Jackadgery
- Jackass
- Jacketstown
- Jackeys Marsh
- Jackfield
- Jacklom
- Jacks Creek
- Jacks Pocket
- Jacks Yards
- Jacksdale
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson Bridge
- Jackson’s Drift
- Jacksons
- Jacksons Flat
- Jacksonstuin
- Jackstown
- Jackstown
- Jackton
- Jacobs Erf
- Jacobs River
- Jacobs Well
- Jacobs Well
- Jacobs Well
- Jacobs Well
- Jacobsdal
- Jacobsdal
- Jacobstow
- Jacobstowe
- Jacup
- Jaffa
- Jafta’s
- Jagersfontein
- Jaggan
- Jagger Green
- Jagpad
- Jakhalsgezang
- Jakkals Pos
- Jakkalsbank
- Jakkalsdraai
- Jakkalsfontein
- Jakkalspoort
- Jakkalsput
- Jakkalsputs
- Jakkalsvlei
- Jalamba
- Jallukar
- Jallumba
- Jaloran
- Jamberoo
- Jambin
- Jamesbrook
- Jamesgreen
- Jameson Park
- Jameson’s Drift
- Jamespark
- Jameston
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown Little
- Jameyana
- Jamieson
- Jamphlars
- Jan Kempdorp
- Jancourt
- Jandowae
- Jandowae East
- Jane Furse
- Janetstown
- Janeville
- Janeville
- Jangirulu
- Jangurria
- Janiember East
- Janke’s Green
- Jannali
- Jansenville
- Janseput
- Jansil
- Jantjieshoek
- Japoonvale
- Jaraga
- Jardee
- Jardine Valley
- Jardine Yard
- Jardines Landing
- Jarklin
- Jarnatuwu
- Jarra Dale
- Jarrahdale
- Jarrahmond
- Jarrahwood
- Jarretstown
- Jarretstown
- Jarrow
- Jarvis Brook
- Jarvisfield
- Jasper’s Green
- Jaspers Brush
- Java
- Jaw Hill
- Jawbone
- Jawcraig
- Jaylee
- Jaywick
- Jealott’s Hill
- Jealoustown
- Jeaniefield
- Jedburgh
- Jedda Hill
- Jeerabung
- Jeeralang
- Jeeralang Junction
- Jeeralang North
- Jeetho
- Jeffrey’s Bay
- Jeffreyston
- Jeffries
- Jeffries Hill
- Jeffrystown
- Jelbon Leigh
- Jelbyn
- Jellat Jellat
- Jembatcumbene
- Jemimaville
- Jengce
- Jenkins’ Green
- Jenkinstown
- Jenkinstown
- Jenkinstown
- Jenkinstown
- Jenkinstown
- Jennaberring
- Jennacubbine
- Jennapullin
- Jennetts Hill
- Jennings
- Jenny Lind
- Jennyfield
- Jenolan Caves
- Jensen
- Jeogla
- Jeparit
- Jeppe’s Reef
- Jerangle
- Jerby East
- Jerdacuttup
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jerilderie
- Jerpoint West
- Jerpointabbey
- Jerpointchurch
- Jerpointhill
- Jerramungup
- Jerrawa
- Jerrawangala
- Jerro
- Jerry Bailey
- Jerrys Plains
- Jerrys Yard
- Jersey Farm
- Jersey Marine
- Jerseyville
- Jeruk
- Jerusalem
- Jerusalem
- Jerusalem
- Jervis Bay Village
- Jerviswood
- Jervois
- Jesmond
- Jessfield
- Jetsonville
- Jevington
- Jewell’s Cross
- Ji-Balbal
- Ji-Bena
- Ji-Malawa
- Ji-Marda
- Jibbinbar
- Jibolago
- Jiggi
- Jiggiga
- Jigginstown
- Jil Jil
- Jilakin
- Jilliby
- Jilundarina
- Jimbalakundunj Community
- Jimblebar
- Jimboola
- Jimboomba
- Jimbour
- Jimenbuen
- Jimna
- Jimnora
- Jincarry
- Jincumbilly
- Jindabine
- Jindabyne
- Jindalee
- Jindaroo
- Jindera
- Jindivick
- Jindy Andy
- Jingaloo
- Jingalup
- Jingellic
- Jinghi Jinghi
- Jingle Street
- Jingymia
- Jinka
- Jitarning
- Joadja Creek
- Joanna
- Joanstown
- Joanstown
- Job’s Town
- Jobseputs
- Jobstown
- Jobstown
- Jocelyn Park
- Jochmus
- Jockey End
- Jockey Green
- Jockeyhall
- Jockeyhall
- Jockeyhall
- Jodrell Bank
- Joel Joel
- Joel South
- Joewyns Park
- Jogo
- Johanna
- Johannesburg
- John o’ Gaunts
- John o’ Groats
- John O’Gaunt
- John’s Cross
- Johnburgh
- Johnby
- Johnduffswood
- Johninstown
- Johnniesdale
- Johnniesluck
- Johns River
- Johns’ Terrace / Teras John
- Johnsborough
- Johnsbrook
- Johnsfort
- Johnshaven
- Johnson Fold
- Johnson Street
- Johnson’s Hillock
- Johnson’s Post
- Johnsonville
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnstone
- Johnstonebridge
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown Bridge
- Johnstown Demesne
- Johnstown East
- Johnstown Glebe
- Johnstown Hill
- Johnstown Lower
- Johnstown North
- Johnstown North
- Johnstown South
- Johnstown South
- Johnstown Upper
- Johnstown West
- Johnswell
- Joiner’s Square
- Joinersfolly
- Jojweni
- Jokweni
- Jokwenus Location
- Jolly’s Bottom
- Jolwayo
- Jonasfontein
- Jonastown
- Jondaryan
- Jonesborough
- Jonestown
- Jongensfontein
- Jonkersberg
- Jonkersrus
- Jonkerville
- Jooro
- Joppa
- Joppa
- Joppa
- Joppa Pans
- Jordan
- Jordan
- Jordan Avon
- Jordan Green
- Jordanhill
- Jordans
- Jordansquarter
- Jordanston / Trefwrdan
- Jordanstown
- Jordanstown
- Jordanstown
- Jordanstown
- Jordanstown
- Jordanstown
- Jordanstown
- Jordanstown
- Jordanthorpe
- Jordanville
- Jordon
- Joristown Lower
- Joristown Upper
- Josefsdeel
- Josephine
- Josephville
- Joskeleigh
- Jossestown
- Joubert
- Joubertina
- Jouberton
- Jouberts Kroon
- Joubertstroom
- Joulterspark
- Journey’s End
- Jowelbinna
- Jower
- Joy’s Green
- Joyce’s Park
- Joycegrove
- Joyces Creek
- Joyces Island
- Joyden’s Wood
- Joyford
- Jozannas Nek
- Jozannashoek
- Jozini
- Jubilee
- Jubilee Park
- Jubuk
- Judbury
- Juenburra
- Jug’s Green
- Jugbank
- Juggah
- Jugiong
- Jugiong
- Juistzoo
- Jujura
- Jukfontein
- Julatten
- Julesburg
- Julia
- Julia Creek
- Julianstown
- Julianstown
- Julianstown
- Julianstown
- Julianstown East
- Julianstown South
- Julianstown West
- Julies Post
- Julons
- Jumbuk
- Jumbunna
- Jump
- Jumper’s Town
- Jumpers Common
- Junabee
- Junction
- Junction Ferry
- Junction View
- Junction Yard
- Jundah
- Junee
- Junee
- Junee Reefs
- Jung
- Jungaan
- Juniper
- Juniper Green
- Juniper Hill
- Junjuwa
- Junortoun
- Jupiter
- Jupiter Creek
- Jura
- Juradine
- Jurby West
- Jurema
- Jurien Bay
- Jurston
- Jury’s Gap
- Justicia
- Justitia
- Juta