Städte beginnend mit: G
in Australia
- Gabalong
- Gabanintha
- Gabbin
- Gabramatta
- Gaebin
- Gagebrook
- Gaiawdjapin
- Galaru
- Galawarra
- Galba
- Galena
- Galga
- Galiwinku
- Gallymont
- Galong
- Galore
- Galston
- Galupa
- Gan Gan
- Gangat
- Ganinyi Community
- Ganmain
- Gannons Creek
- Gap
- Gapuwiyak
- Garah
- Garden Gully
- Garden Island
- Garden Island Creek
- Garden Siding
- Gardiners House
- Gardners Bay
- Garema
- Garfield
- Garland
- Garmardi
- Garoolgan
- Garra
- Garraside
- Garrata
- Garratt
- Garrik Bore
- Garriyak
- Garrthalala
- Garthoan
- Gascoyne Junction
- Gaspard
- Gateside
- Gatewicke
- Gatji
- Gatleys Creek
- Gawler
- Gawler
- Gawler River
- Gawler View
- Gay View
- Geaurie Glen
- Geegeela
- Geegullalong
- Geeralying
- Geeveston
- Gefn
- Gelorup
- Gemalla
- Gemini Downs
- Gentlemens Gully
- George Town
- Georges Creek
- Georges Plains
- Georgetown
- Georgeville
- Georgian Park
- Georgica
- Georgina
- Gepps Cross
- Geraldton
- Geranium
- Geranium Plain
- Gerby
- Gerogery
- Gerogery West
- Gerringong
- Gerroa
- Geurie
- Geweroo
- Ghinni Ghi
- Ghinni Ghinni
- Ghooli
- Gibb Rock
- Gibberagee
- Gibberagee
- Gibraltar
- Gibson
- Gibsonvale
- Gidginbung
- Gidley
- Gikal
- Giles Corner
- Gilgai
- Gilgai
- Gilgais
- Gilgandra
- Gilgoen
- Gilgooma
- Gilgunnia
- Gilirri
- Gilles Plains
- Gillets Ridge
- Gillieston Heights
- Gillingarra
- Gilmore
- Gilungarra Community
- Gin Gin
- Gineroi Road
- Ginghi
- Gingie
- Gingin
- Gingkin
- Ginninderra
- Giro
- Girragulang
- Girrakool
- Girral
- Girralong
- Girraween
- Girraween
- Girvan
- Gladesville
- Gladstone
- Gladstone
- Gladstone
- Gladstone
- Glamis Park
- Glance Creek
- Glanmire
- Glasston
- Glaziers Bay
- Glen Alice
- Glen Alvin
- Glen Craigie
- Glen Davis
- Glen East
- Glen Eden
- Glen Elgin
- Glen Elgin
- Glen Erin
- Glen Gallic
- Glen Garry
- Glen Gyle
- Glen Helen
- Glen Huon
- Glen Innes
- Glen Iris
- Glen Lee
- Glen Lomond
- Glen Maye
- Glen Moan
- Glen Morrison
- Glen Rock
- Glen Ugie
- Glen Warning
- Glen William
- Glenaire
- Glenallen
- Glenanaar
- Glenave
- Glenayr
- Glenbernie
- Glenbog
- Glenbrook
- Glenbrook
- Glenbrook
- Glenbrook
- Glenburn
- Glenburnie
- Glencairn
- Glenco
- Glencoe
- Glencoe
- Glencoe
- Glencoe
- Glencoe
- Glencoe West
- Glencolvin
- Glendale
- Glendambo
- Glendevie
- Glendoline
- Glendon
- Glendon Brook
- Glendonald North
- Glenearn
- Gleneden
- Glenelg
- Glenelg
- Glenella
- Glenella
- Glenellen
- Glenfern
- Glenfield
- Glenfinnan
- Glengarrie
- Glengarriff
- Glengarry
- Glengarry
- Glengarry
- Glengary
- Glengower
- Glengyle
- Glengyle
- Glenhaven
- Glenhurst
- Glenie
- Gleniffer
- Gleninga
- Glenisia
- Glenken
- Glenkerry
- Glenlee
- Glenlee
- Glenlogan
- Glenlothian
- Glenlusk
- Glenlynn
- Glenlyon
- Glenmartin
- Glenmice
- Glenmore
- Glennies Creek
- Glenoak
- Glenock
- Glenoen
- Glenola
- Glenora
- Glenora
- Glenorchy
- Glenore
- Glenorie
- Glenown
- Glenquarry
- Glenrae
- Glenreagh
- Glenrock
- Glenrock
- Glenrock
- Glenrose
- Glenrowan
- Glenrowe
- Glenroy
- Glenroy
- Glenroy
- Glenroy Estate
- Glenthorn
- Glentimon
- Glenugie Downs
- Glenvale
- Glenview
- Glenwood
- Glenwood
- Glenwood
- Glenwood
- Glenwood
- Glenworth Valley
- Globelands
- Glossodia
- Glossop
- Gloucester
- Gluyas
- Glynwood
- Gnarming
- Gnowangerup
- Gnows Nest
- Gobondery
- Gochan Jiny-Jirra
- Gocup
- Goddard
- Godfreys Creek
- Gogeldrie
- Gol Gol
- Golconda
- Goldbrook
- Golden Bay-Singleton
- Golden Grove
- Golden Grove
- Golden Ridge
- Golden Rose
- Golden Spoon
- Golden Valley
- Goldsmith
- Goldspie
- Goldsworthy
- Gollan
- Gollooinboirf
- Gomersal
- Gongolgon
- Gonguruwuy
- Goobang
- Goobarralong
- Good Hope
- Goode
- Goodia
- Goodings Corner
- Goodnight
- Goodooga
- Goodradigbee
- Goodwood
- Goolgowi
- Goolma
- Goolmangar
- Gooloogong
- Goolwa
- Goomalling
- Goomarin
- Goondabluie
- Goondah
- Goondooloo
- Goonellabah
- Goonengerry
- Goongarrie
- Goonoo Goonoo
- Goonoowigal
- Goonumbla
- Goorianawa
- Gooseberry Hill
- Gordon
- Gordon
- Gordon
- Gordon
- Gordon Brook
- Gorge Rock
- Gormanston
- Gorokan
- Gorpulyol
- Gorrong-Gorrong
- Gosford
- Gosforth
- Goshen
- Gosnells
- Gospers Point
- Gostwyck
- Goulburn
- Goulburn Island Mission
- Goulds Country
- Gourlay
- Gowang
- Gowrie
- Gowrie Park
- Graball
- Grabben Gullen
- Gradgery
- Grafton
- Graham
- Grahams Valley
- Grahamstown
- Graman
- Grange
- Grange Hill
- Granthon
- Granton
- Grantow
- Grants Head
- Grants Patch
- Granville
- Grasmere
- Grasmere
- Grass Patch
- Grass Valley
- Grasslands
- Grasspan
- Grassville
- Grassy
- Grathal Station
- Grattai
- Gravelly Beach
- Gravesend
- Grawin
- Grawlin Plains
- Gray
- Grays Crossing
- Great Marlo
- Green Acres
- Green Acres
- Green Acres
- Green Forest
- Green Head
- Green Hill
- Green Hill
- Green Hills
- Green Hills
- Green Loaning
- Green Pigeon
- Green Point
- Green Valley
- Green Valley
- Green Valley
- Greenacres
- Greenbank
- Greenbushes
- Greendale
- Greendale
- Greendale
- Greenethorpe
- Greenfields
- Greengrove
- Greenhide
- Greenhills
- Greenhills
- Greenland
- Greenleaf
- Greenmantle
- Greenmount
- Greenock
- Greenough
- Greenough-on-Sea
- Greenridge
- Greens Beach
- Greenslopes
- Greenvale
- Greenville
- Greenways Landing
- Greenwell Point
- Greenwich Park
- Greenwood
- Greenwood
- Greg Greg
- Gregadoo
- Gregory
- Gregra
- Greigs Flat
- Grenell Park
- Grenfell
- Gresford
- Greta
- Gretna
- Grevillia
- Grey Gum
- Greylands
- Gribbles Settlement
- Grieve Hill
- Griffith
- Grimstead
- Grindelwald
- Grogan
- Grong Grong
- Groongal
- Grove
- Grove Hill
- Gudarra
- Gudgenby
- Guilderton
- Guildford
- Guildford Junction
- Gular
- Gulargambone
- Gulf Creek
- Gulginni
- Gulgong
- Gullen
- Gullengamble
- Gulligal
- Gulmarrad
- Gulmarrad
- Gulnare
- Gulpa
- Gulunguru
- Gum Park
- Gum Scrub
- Gumble
- Gumbowie
- Gumeracha
- Gumleigh
- Gumly Gumly
- Gumuluji
- Gumuruguru
- Gunbar
- Gunbar South
- Gundagai
- Gundamaian
- Gundaroo
- Gundary
- Gundaur
- Gunderman
- Gundibindyal
- Gundowda
- Gundurimba
- Gundy
- Gungal
- Gungaroo
- Gunibuy Community
- Gunnable
- Gunnado
- Gunnary
- Gunnedah
- Gunnedah West
- Gunnerbene
- Gunners Quoin
- Gunninah
- Gunning
- Gunning Grach
- Gunningbland
- Gunns Plains
- Guntawang
- Gunyah
- Gunyangara
- Gunyulgup
- Gupanga
- Gurjangan
- Gurkawur
- Gurley
- Gurrai
- Gurranang
- Gurrgurr
- Gurrinyah
- Gurrumuru
- Gurrundah
- Gurteen
- Gurubang
- Gutha
- Guy Fawkes
- Guyong West
- Guyra
- Gwabegar
- Gwalia
- Gwalia
- Gwandalan
- Gwando
in England
- Gadbrook
- Gaddesby
- Gadebridge
- Gadfield Elm
- Gadlas
- Gagingwell
- Gailey
- Gailey Wharf
- Gainfield
- Gainsborough
- Gainsborough
- Gaisgill
- Gaitsgill
- Gale
- Galemire
- Galgate
- Gallantry Bank
- Galley Common
- Galley Hill
- Galligill
- Gallows Corner
- Gallows Green
- Gallows Hill
- Gallows Hill
- Gallows Inn
- Gallowstree Common
- Gallypot Street
- Galphay
- Gamble Hill
- Gamblesby
- Gamelsby
- Gamesley
- Gamlingay
- Gamlingay Cinques
- Gamlingay Great Heath
- Gammersgill
- Gamston
- Gamston
- Ganarew
- Ganborough
- Ganders Green
- Ganstead
- Ganthorpe
- Ganton
- Gants Hill
- Ganwick Corner
- Garden City
- Garden Village
- Garden Village
- Garden Village
- Gardeners Green
- Gardham
- Gare Hill
- Garford
- Garforth
- Gargrave
- Garlands
- Garmelow
- Garmston
- Garnett Bridge
- Garnsgate
- Garrets Green
- Garretts Green
- Garrigill
- Garrison Side
- Garriston
- Garrowby
- Garsdale
- Garsdale Head
- Garsdon
- Garshall Green
- Garsington
- Garstang
- Garston
- Garston
- Garswood
- Garth Row
- Garthorpe
- Garthorpe
- Garton
- Garton-on-the-Wolds
- Gartree
- Garway
- Garway Hill
- Gasper
- Gastard
- Gatacre Park
- Gatcombe
- Gate Burton
- Gate Foot
- Gate Helmsley
- Gateacre
- Gatebeck
- Gateford
- Gateford Common
- Gateforth
- Gatenby
- Gatesgarth
- Gateshead
- Gatesheath
- Gateway Plaza
- Gathurst
- Gatley
- Gatley End
- Gatton
- Gatwick
- Gatwick
- Gauber
- Gaulby
- Gaunt’s Earthcott
- Gauntons Bank
- Gautby
- Gauxholme
- Gawber
- Gawcott
- Gawsworth
- Gawthorpe
- Gawthorpe
- Gawthorpe Green
- Gawthrop
- Gawthwaite
- Gay Street
- Gaydon
- Gayhurst
- Gayle
- Gayles
- Gayton
- Gayton
- Gayton
- Gayton Engine
- Gayton le Marsh
- Gayton le Wold
- Gazeley
- Gedding
- Geddington
- Gedgrave
- Gedgrave Hall
- Gedling
- Gedney
- Gedney Broadgate
- Gedney Drove End
- Gedney Dyke
- Gedney Hill
- Gee Cross
- Gelsmoor
- Gelston
- Gembling
- Gemini
- Genesis Green
- Gentleshaw
- George Green
- Gerard’s Bridge
- Gerrard’s Bromley
- Gerrards Cross
- Gerrick
- Ghyll Head
- Gib Heath
- Gibb Hill
- Gibbet Hill
- Gibraltar
- Gibraltar
- Gibraltar
- Gibraltar
- Gibralter
- Gibsmere
- Giddeahall
- Gidea Park
- Gidlow
- Giffard Park
- Gigg
- Giggetty
- Giggleswick
- Giggshill
- Gilberdyke
- Gilberries
- Gilbert’s End
- Gilbert’s Green
- Gilbertstone
- Gilcar
- Gilcrux
- Gildersome
- Gildersome Street
- Gildingwells
- Gilfach
- Gilgarran
- Gill
- Gillamoor
- Gillar’s Green
- Gillbank
- Gillbent
- Gilling East
- Gilling West
- Gillingstool
- Gillmoss
- Gillow Heath
- Gillroyd
- Gillway
- Gilmorton
- Gilnow
- Gilroyd
- Gilsland
- Gilson
- Gilstead
- Gilston
- Gilston Park
- Giltbrook
- Gilvers Lane
- Gilwilly
- Ginclough
- Ginger’s Green
- Gipping
- Gipsey Bridge
- Gipsy Green
- Gipsy Hill
- Gipsy Row
- Gipsyville
- Gipton
- Gipton Wood
- Girlington
- Girsby
- Girsby
- Girtford
- Girton
- Girton
- Gisburn
- Gisburn Cotes
- Gisleham
- Gislingham
- Givons Grove
- Gladstone Parade
- Glaisdale
- Glaisdale Side
- Glantlees
- Glanton
- Glapthorn
- Glapwell
- Glascote
- Glascote Heath
- Glass Houghton
- Glasshouse
- Glasshouses
- Glasson
- Glasson
- Glasson
- Glassonby
- Glatton
- Glazebrook
- Glazebury
- Glazeley
- Gleadless
- Gleadless Townend
- Gleadless Valley
- Gleadmoss
- Gleadsmoss
- Gleaston
- Glebe
- Glebe Farm
- Gledhow
- Gledrid
- Glemsford
- Glen Dowlin
- Glen Parva
- Glen Top
- Glenfield
- Glenleigh Park
- Glenridding
- Glentham
- Glentworth
- Glewstone
- Glinton
- Globe Town
- Glodwick
- Glodwick Lows
- Glooston
- Glororum
- Glossop
- Gloucester
- Glusburn
- Glusburn Green
- Glutton Bridge
- Glympton
- Glynde
- Glyndebourne
- Glyne Gap
- Glynmorlas
- Gnosall
- Gnosall Heath
- Goadby
- Goadby Marwood
- Goat
- Goatacre
- Goatham Green
- Goathland
- Goats
- Gobowen
- Godalming
- Goddard’s Corner
- Goddard’s Green
- Goddards
- Goddards’ Green
- Goddington
- Godfreyhole
- Godington
- Godley
- Godley Hill
- Godleybrook
- Godleys Green
- Godmanchester
- Godstone
- Godstone
- Goff’s Oak
- Golborne
- Golcar
- Gold Hill
- Golden Balls
- Golden Cross
- Golden Cross
- Golden Hill
- Golden Valley
- Golden Valley
- Golden Valley
- Goldenhill
- Golder Field
- Golders Green
- Goldfinch Bottom
- Goldicote
- Goldings
- Goldington
- Golds Green
- Golds Hill
- Goldsborough
- Goldsborough
- Goldstone
- Goldthorn Hill
- Goldthorn Park
- Goldthorpe
- Golgotha
- Gollinglith Foot
- Goltho
- Gomeldon
- Gomersal
- Gomersal Hill Top
- Gomshall
- Gonalston
- Gonerby Hill Foot
- Gonerby Moor
- Good’s Green
- Goodmanham
- Goodmayes
- Goodrich
- Goodrich Cross
- Goodshaw
- Goodshaw Chapel
- Goodshaw Fold
- Goodyers End
- Goodyhills
- Goole
- Goole Green
- Goom’s Hill
- Goose Eye
- Goose Green
- Goose Green
- Goose Green
- Goose Hill
- Goose Pool
- Goosehill
- Goosehill Green
- Goosemoor
- Goosemoor Green
- Goosey
- Goosnargh
- Goostrey
- Gorcott Hill
- Gore Cross
- Gorefield
- Gorehill
- Gorhambury
- Goring
- Goring Heath
- Goring-by-Sea
- Gornalwood
- Gorse Covert
- Gorse Hill
- Gorse Hill
- Gorsethorpe
- Gorsey Bank
- Gorsey Leys
- Gorseybank
- Gorsley
- Gorsley Common
- Gorst Hill
- Gorstage
- Gorstella
- Gorstey Ley
- Gorstyhill
- Gorton
- Gosbeck
- Gosberton
- Gosberton Cheal
- Gosberton Clough
- Goscote
- Goseley Dale
- Gosford
- Gosford
- Gosford Green
- Gosforth
- Gosforth
- Gosforth Valley
- Gosland Green
- Gosling Green
- Gosmore
- Gospel Ash
- Gospel End
- Gospel End Village
- Gospel Green
- Gospel Oak
- Gospel Oak
- Gossard’s Green
- Gossington
- Gossops Green
- Goswick
- Gotham
- Gotherington
- Goulceby
- Goulton
- Goverton
- Gowdall
- Gowhole
- Gowthorpe
- Goxhill
- Goxhill
- Gozzard’s Ford
- Graby
- Grace Mary Estate
- Graffham
- Grafham
- Grafham
- Grafton
- Grafton
- Grafton
- Grafton
- Grafton
- Grafton
- Grafton Flyford
- Grafton Regis
- Grafton Underwood
- Grahame Park
- Grains Bar
- Grainsby
- Grainthorpe
- Grainthorpe Fen
- Graizelound
- Granary Wharf
- Granborough
- Granby
- Grandborough
- Grandpont
- Grange
- Grange
- Grange
- Grange
- Grange
- Grange
- Grange
- Grange
- Grange de Lings
- Grange Farm
- Grange Fell
- Grange Lane
- Grange Moor
- Grange Park
- Grange Park
- Grange Village
- Grange-over-Sands
- Grangemill
- Grangetown
- Grangetown
- Gransmoor
- Grant Thorold
- Grantchester
- Grantham
- Grantley Hall
- Grantsfield
- Grappenhall
- Grasby
- Grasmere
- Grasscroft
- Grassendale
- Grassendale Park
- Grassgarth
- Grassington
- Grassmoor
- Grassthorpe
- Grasswell
- Gratton
- Gratwich
- Gravel
- Gravel Hole
- Gravel Hole
- Graveley
- Graveley
- Graveleythorpe
- Gravelhill
- Gravelly Hill
- Gravels
- Gravelsbank
- Gravenhunger Moss
- Gravesend
- Grayingham
- Grayrigg
- Grayson Green
- Grayswood
- Grazeley
- Grazeley Green
- Greasbrough
- Greasby
- Greasley
- Great Abington
- Great Addington
- Great Alne
- Great Altcar
- Great Amwell
- Great Asby
- Great Ashfield
- Great Ashley
- Great Ayton
- Great Barford
- Great Barr
- Great Barrington
- Great Barrow
- Great Barton
- Great Barugh
- Great Bavington
- Great Bealings
- Great Bedwyn
- Great Billing
- Great Blakenham
- Great Blencow
- Great Bolas
- Great Boleness Field
- Great Bookham
- Great Bourton
- Great Bowden
- Great Bradley
- Great Brampton
- Great Bricett
- Great Brickhill
- Great Bridge
- Great Bridgeford
- Great Brington
- Great Broughton
- Great Broughton
- Great Budworth
- Great Burgh
- Great Busby
- Great Carlton
- Great Chalfield
- Great Chatwell
- Great Chell
- Great Cheverell
- Great Chishill
- Great Cliff
- Great Clifton
- Great Coates
- Great Comberton
- Great Common
- Great Corby
- Great Cornard
- Great Cowden
- Great Coxwell
- Great Crakehall
- Great Cransley
- Great Crosby
- Great Crosthwaite
- Great Cubley
- Great Dalby
- Great Denham
- Great Doddington
- Great Doward
- Great Durnford
- Great Easby
- Great Easton
- Great Eccleston
- Great Edstone
- Great Enton
- Great Eppleton
- Great Eversden
- Great Fencote
- Great Field
- Great Finborough
- Great Gaddesden
- Great Gate
- Great Gidding
- Great Givendale
- Great Glemham
- Great Glen
- Great Gonerby
- Great Gransden
- Great Green
- Great Green
- Great Green
- Great Green
- Great Habton
- Great Hale
- Great Hampden
- Great Harrowden
- Great Harwood
- Great Haseley
- Great Hatfield
- Great Haywood
- Great Heath
- Great Heck
- Great Hinton
- Great Hivings
- Great Holcombe
- Great Hollands
- Great Holm
- Great Hormead
- Great Horton
- Great Horwood
- Great Houghton
- Great Houghton
- Great Howarth
- Great Hucklow
- Great Humby
- Great Kelk
- Great Kendale
- Great Kimble
- Great Kingshill
- Great Knowley
- Great Langton
- Great Lea Common
- Great Lever
- Great Limber
- Great Linford
- Great Livermere
- Great Longstone
- Great Lyth
- Great Malvern
- Great Marton
- Great Marton Moss
- Great Maxfield
- Great Milton
- Great Missenden
- Great Mitton
- Great Moor
- Great Munden
- Great Musgrave
- Great Ness
- Great Oakley
- Great Offley
- Great Ormside
- Great Orton
- Great Ouseburn
- Great Oxendon
- Great Paxton
- Great Pinley
- Great Plumpton
- Great Ponton
- Great Preston
- Great Purston
- Great Raveley
- Great Rissington
- Great Rollright
- Great Ryton
- Great Salkeld
- Great Sankey
- Great Saredon
- Great Saxham
- Great Shefford
- Great Shelford
- Great Smeaton
- Great Somerford
- Great Staughton
- Great Steeping
- Great Stoke
- Great Stretton
- Great Strickland
- Great Stukeley
- Great Sturton
- Great Sutton
- Great Swinburne
- Great Tew
- Great Thirkleby
- Great Thurlow
- Great Tosson
- Great Tows
- Great Urswick
- Great Waldingfield
- Great Warford
- Great Washbourne
- Great Welnetham
- Great Wenham
- Great Whittington
- Great Wilbraham
- Great Wilne
- Great Wishford
- Great Witcombe
- Great Witley
- Great Wolford
- Great Wratting
- Great Wymondley
- Great Wyrley
- Great Wytheford
- Greatfield
- Greatford
- Greatgap
- Greatham
- Greatpark
- Greatwood
- Greatworth
- Greave
- Greave
- Greave
- Grebby
- Green
- Green Bank
- Green Bank
- Green Bank
- Green Bottom
- Green Close
- Green Clough
- Green Crize
- Green Cross
- Green End
- Green End
- Green End
- Green End
- Green End
- Green End
- Green End
- Green End
- Green End
- Green End
- Green End
- Green End
- Green End
- Green End
- Green End
- Green End
- Green End
- Green End
- Green Gate
- Green Hailey
- Green Hammerton
- Green Haworth
- Green Heath
- Green Hill
- Green Hill
- Green Lane
- Green Lane
- Green Lane
- Green Lane
- Green Lanes
- Green Leach
- Green Moor
- Green Quarter
- Green Side
- Green Street
- Green Street
- Green Street
- Green Street
- Green Street
- Green Street
- Green Street
- Green Street Green
- Green Tye
- Greenacres
- Greenacres Fold
- Greenacres Moor
- Greenbank
- Greenbank
- Greenbottom
- Greendale
- Greendykes
- Greenend
- Greenfield
- Greenfield
- Greenfield
- Greenfield
- Greenfield
- Greenfields
- Greenfields
- Greenford
- Greengarth Hall
- Greengate
- Greengate
- Greengates
- Greengill
- Greenhalgh
- Greenham
- Greenhaugh
- Greenhead
- Greenhead
- Greenheys
- Greenhill
- Greenhill
- Greenhill
- Greenhill
- Greenhill
- Greenhill
- Greenhill
- Greenhill Bank
- Greenhillocks
- Greenholme
- Greenhow
- Greenland
- Greenlands
- Greenlands
- Greenleighs
- Greenleys
- Greenlooms
- Greenman’s Lane
- Greenmeadow
- Greenmount
- Greenoak
- Greenodd
- Greenrow
- Greens Norton
- Greenscoe
- Greensforge
- Greenside
- Greenside
- Greenside
- Greenside
- Greenside
- Greenside
- Greenway
- Greenway
- Greenwell
- Greenwich
- Greenwich
- Greenwich
- Greenwood
- Greet
- Greet
- Greete
- Greetham
- Greetland
- Greetland Wall Nook
- Greets Green
- Greetwell
- Gregson Lane
- Grendon
- Grendon
- Grendon Bishop
- Grendon Common
- Grendon Green
- Grendon Underwood
- Grenoside
- Gressingham
- Gretton
- Gretton
- Gretton
- Gretton Fields
- Grewelthorpe
- Grey Green
- Grey Legs
- Greygarth
- Greylees
- Greys Green
- Greysouthen
- Greystead
- Greystoke
- Greystoke Gill
- Greystone
- Greystone
- Greystonegill
- Greystones
- Greystones Cliffe
- Greytree
- Gribthorpe
- Griff
- Griffin’s Hill
- Griffydam
- Grimblethorpe
- Grimeford Village
- Grimes Hill
- Grimesthorpe
- Grimethorpe
- Grimley
- Grimoldby
- Grimpo
- Grimsargh
- Grimsbury
- Grimsby
- Grimscote
- Grimshaw
- Grimshaw Green
- Grimshaw Park
- Grimsthorpe
- Grimston
- Grimston
- Grimston
- Grimston
- Grimstone End
- Grindale
- Grindle
- Grindleford
- Grindleforge
- Grindleton
- Grindley
- Grindley Brook
- Grindlow
- Grindon
- Grindon
- Grindon
- Grindsbrook Booth
- Gringley on the Hill
- Grinsdale
- Grinshill
- Grinstead Hill
- Grinton
- Grisdale
- Grisling Common
- Gristhorpe
- Grittenham
- Grittlesend
- Grittleton
- Grizebeck
- Grizedale
- Groby
- Gromford
- Gronwen
- Groombridge
- Grosmont
- Gross Green
- Groton
- Grotton
- Groundwell
- Grove
- Grove
- Grove
- Grove End
- Grove Heath
- Grove Hill
- Grove Hill
- Grove Park
- Grove Park
- Grove Place
- Grove Town
- Grove Vale
- Grovehill
- Grovesend
- Grundisburgh
- Grunsagill
- Guard House
- Guarlford
- Gubblecote
- Guessburn
- Guestling Green
- Guestling Thorn
- Guide
- Guide Bridge
- Guide Post
- Guilden Morden
- Guilden Sutton
- Guildford
- Guildford Park
- Guilsborough
- Guilthwaite
- Guisborough
- Guiseley
- Guiting Power
- Guller’s End
- Gulling Green
- Gullom Holme
- Gully
- Gumley
- Gun Hill
- Gunby
- Gunnersbury
- Gunnerside
- Gunnerton
- Gunness
- Guns Village
- Gunstone
- Gunter’s Bridge
- Gunthorpe
- Gunthorpe
- Gunthorpe
- Gunton
- Gurnett
- Gustard Wood
- Gutch Common
- Guthram Gowt
- Guy’s Cliffe
- Guy’s Head
- Guyhirn
- Guyhirn Gull
- Guyzance
- Gwern y brenin
in Isle of Man
- Ga-Boelang
- Ga-Botha
- Ga-Chokoe
- Ga-Dibove
- Ga-Dikgale
- Ga-Disane
- Ga-Dukakgomo
- Ga-Habedi
- Ga-Hlahla
- Ga-Hlako
- Ga-Honyane
- Ga-Huhuwe
- Ga-Ishe
- Ga-Jantjie
- Ga-Keetse
- Ga-Kgale
- Ga-Kgapane
- Ga-Kgare
- Ga-Kgole
- Ga-Kgorosi
- Ga-Kgubudi
- Ga-Kgwe
- Ga-Kgwete
- Ga-Kibi
- Ga-Kobe
- Ga-Kobo
- Ga-Koi-Koi
- Ga-Kololo
- Ga-Kolopo
- Ga-Komape
- Ga-Lamola
- Ga-Lebelo
- Ga-Lepadima
- Ga-Letswalo
- Ga-Letwaba
- Ga-Lotlhare
- Ga-Lotolo
- Ga-Luka
- Ga-Mabeba
- Ga-Mabelebele
- Ga-Mabitsela
- Ga-Mabotha
- Ga-Mabotsa
- Ga-Mabuela
- Ga-Mabusela
- Ga-Madiba
- Ga-Madibeng
- Ga-Madisaleolo
- Ga-Maditsa
- Ga-Madubu
- Ga-Madulathoka
- Ga-Maela
- Ga-Maeleletja
- Ga-Mafate
- Ga-Mafefe
- Ga-Magatu
- Ga-Mahlokwane
- Ga-Mahwai
- Ga-Maidula
- Ga-Maila
- Ga-Maja
- Ga-Makanye
- Ga-Makgatle
- Ga-Makgatle
- Ga-Makgoba
- Ga-Makgobathe
- Ga-Makharankana
- Ga-Makhwae
- Ga-Makibelo
- Ga-Makoena
- Ga-Makofane
- Ga-Malaka
- Ga-Malapile
- Ga-Malebana
- Ga-Malegase
- Ga-Malekana
- Ga-Malelo
- Ga-Malepe
- Ga-Maloka
- Ga-Maloka
- Ga-Malokela
- Ga-Maloma
- Ga-Malope
- Ga-Mamadila
- Ga-Mamatlhola
- Ga-Mamebe
- Ga-Mametsa
- Ga-Mamohwibidu
- Ga-Mamoleka
- Ga-Mamolele
- Ga-Mampa
- Ga-Mamphahlane
- Ga-Mampote
- Ga-Manapane
- Ga-Mangou
- Ga-Mankgodi
- Ga-Mankoeng
- Ga-Mankopane
- Ga-Manthata
- Ga-Mantlhodi
- Ga-Maotole
- Ga-Mapangula
- Ga-Mapela
- Ga-Maphoto
- Ga-Mapogo
- Ga-Maria
- Ga-Maribana
- Ga-Marishane
- Ga-Maroga
- Ga-Masalane
- Ga-Masamothane
- Ga-Masehlong
- Ga-Masekwa
- Ga-Maselela
- Ga-Masenya
- Ga-Masepa
- Ga-Mashabela
- Ga-Mashelane
- Ga-Mashishi
- Ga-Masiane
- Ga-Masilela
- Ga-Masisimale
- Ga-Masukulale
- Ga-Matabanyane
- Ga-Mathabatha
- Ga-Mathako
- Ga-Mathapo
- Ga-Mathekga
- Ga-Mathiba
- Ga-Mathipa
- Ga-Mathule
- Ga-Matimpule
- Ga-Matlala
- Ga-Matlapa
- Ga-Matloponya
- Ga-Matokomane
- Ga-Matshele
- Ga-Matshogo
- Ga-Matsi
- Ga-Maubane
- Ga-Mmabasotho
- Ga-Mmamogolo
- Ga-Mmamogwasa
- Ga-Mmatemana
- Ga-Mmathongwana
- Ga-Modikana
- Ga-Modikwe
- Ga-Modipana
- Ga-Modjadji
- Ga-Moeka
- Ga-Mogano
- Ga-Mogashoa
- Ga-Mogoboya
- Ga-Mogopa
- Ga-Moheele
- Ga-Mohlabe
- Ga-Mokaba
- Ga-Mokake
- Ga-Mokalapa
- Ga-Mokgatlha
- Ga-Mokgehle
- Ga-Mokgokong
- Ga-Mokgopo
- Ga-Mokobodi
- Ga-Mokomela
- Ga-Mokone
- Ga-Mokopane
- Ga-Mokwane
- Ga-Mokwele
- Ga-Molapo
- Ga-Moleele
- Ga-Molekana
- Ga-Molekwa
- Ga-Molema
- Ga-Molepo
- Ga-Moloi
- Ga-Monare
- Ga-Monene
- Ga-Mongatane
- Ga-Monlala
- Ga-Monyebodi
- Ga-Monyeki
- Ga-Mopedi
- Ga-Moretsele
- Ga-Morona
- Ga-Moropa
- Ga-Moseki
- Ga-Mosidi
- Ga-Mosoge
- Ga-Mothapo
- Ga-Mothiba
- Ga-Mothibi
- Ga-Motlakgomo
- Ga-Motlana
- Ga-Motlatla
- Ga-Motle
- Ga-Motlhware
- Ga-Motlogelwa
- Ga-Motodi
- Ga-Motsage
- Ga-Motsamai
- Ga-Motshana
- Ga-Motshemi
- Ga-Motsoko
- Ga-Moyaga
- Ga-Mphahlele
- Ga-Musi
- Ga-Ngwepe
- Ga-Ngwetsana
- Ga-Nkidikitlana
- Ga-Nkwana
- Ga-Nonyane
- Ga-Ntatelang
- Ga-Ntshireletsa
- Ga-Ntsoko
- Ga-Pamadz
- Ga-Papo
- Ga-Phago
- Ga-Phagodi
- Ga-Phahla
- Ga-Phaka
- Ga-Phasha
- Ga-Phaswana
- Ga-Phaudi
- Ga-Phetla
- Ga-Pitiela
- Ga-Podile
- Ga-Poopedi
- Ga-Popo
- Ga-Radingwana
- Ga-Raditshaba
- Ga-Rakgwatha
- Ga-Rakwele
- Ga-Ralebelwane
- Ga-Ralenkwane
- Ga-Ramakara
- Ga-Ramantshane
- Ga-Ramatale
- Ga-Ramela
- Ga-Rametlwane
- Ga-Rammu
- Ga-Rammutla
- Ga-Ramodingwana
- Ga-Ramoga
- Ga-Ramokadi-kadi
- Ga-Ramokgopa
- Ga-Ramokoka
- Ga-Ramongwana
- Ga-Ramoshwane
- Ga-Ramotlokana
- Ga-Ramotsekwane
- Ga-Ramphere
- Ga-Rampuru
- Ga-Rankhuwa
- Ga-Rankuwa
- Ga-Rantlakane
- Ga-Rapadi
- Ga-Raphiri
- Ga-Raphokola
- Ga-Rasai
- Ga-Rawesi
- Ga-Riba
- Ga-Rummutla
- Ga-Sako
- Ga-Sebolao
- Ga-Sebotse
- Ga-Sefoka
- Ga-Sehubane
- Ga-Sehunelo
- Ga-Sekhukhune
- Ga-Sekororo
- Ga-Sekubu
- Ga-Selala
- Ga-Seleka
- Ga-Semenya
- Ga-Seopela
- Ga-Sese
- Ga-Setshaba
- Ga-Shopeyana
- Ga-Skawu
- Ga-Suping
- Ga-Tatisi
- Ga-Taueatswala
- Ga-Tefu
- Ga-Thaba
- Ga-Thameng
- Ga-Tibu
- Ga-Tipe
- Ga-Tisana
- Ga-Titi
- Ga-Tlhose
- Ga-Tshaba
- Ga-Tshabalala
- Ga-Tshipana
- Ga-Tshwene
- Ga-Tshwene
- Ga-Wannankaya
- Gaandrik
- Gaataan
- Gabalfa
- Gabalong
- Gabanintha
- Gabazi
- Gabber
- Gabbin
- Gabeni
- Gabheni
- Gabhsann bho Thuath
- Gable Head
- Gabramatta
- Gabroc Hill
- Gadbrook
- Gaddaghanstown
- Gaddan
- Gaddan Beg
- Gaddesby
- Gaddrystown
- Gaddyduff
- Gadebridge
- Gadfa
- Gadfield Elm
- Gadikame
- Gadlas
- Gadlys
- Gadlys
- Gadshill
- Gaduka
- Gaebin
- Gaer
- Gaer
- Gaer-fawr
- Gaerllwyd
- Gaerwen
- Gaeta
- Gaffneys Creek
- Gafney
- Gafney Little
- Gaganstown
- Gagebrook
- Gaggan
- Gaghta Island
- Gagingwell
- Gaiawdjapin
- Gaich
- Gaigue
- Gaile
- Gailey
- Gailey Wharf
- Gailynn
- Gain Hill
- Gainestown
- Gainfield
- Gainford
- Gainsborough
- Gainsborough
- Gainsborough
- Gainsford End
- Gainstown
- Gainstown Upper
- Gairha
- Gairloch
- Gairlochy / Gearr Lochaidh
- Gairney Bank
- Gairneybridge
- Gaisgill
- Gaitsgill
- Gala
- Gala
- Gala Park
- Galadean
- Galafoot
- Galah
- Galane
- Galaquil
- Galaru
- Galashiels
- Galatea
- Galatyeni
- Galawarra
- Galba
- Galbally
- Galbally
- Galbally
- Galbally
- Galbally
- Galbally
- Galbally East
- Galbally North
- Galbally West
- Galballybeg
- Galbertstown Lower
- Galbertstown Upper
- Galboley
- Galbolie
- Galboola
- Galbooly
- Galbooly Little
- Galboystown
- Galdonagh
- Galdonagh Glebe
- Gale
- Galemire
- Galena
- Galesquarter
- Galey
- Galeybeg
- Galga
- Galgate
- Galgystown
- Galhampton
- Galilea
- Galili
- Galisili
- Galiwinku
- Gallaberry
- Gallagh
- Gallagh
- Gallagh
- Gallagh
- Gallagh
- Gallagh
- Gallanagh
- Gallane
- Gallanes
- Gallangowan
- Gallanstown
- Gallanstown
- Gallantry Bank
- Gallarus
- Gallatown
- Gallavally
- Galleastown
- Gallen
- Galley Common
- Galley Hill
- Galley’s Corner
- Galleyend
- Galleywood
- Gallgort
- Gallid
- Galligill
- Gallin
- Galllowfauld
- Gallon
- Gallon Etra
- Gallon Glebe
- Gallonbane
- Gallonboy
- Gallonbulloge
- Galloncurra
- Gallonnambraher
- Gallonreagh
- Gallonreagh
- Galloping Green North
- Galloping Green South
- Gallow
- Galloway
- Gallowfauld
- Gallowflat
- Gallowgate
- Gallowhill
- Gallowhill
- Gallowhill
- Gallowhills
- Gallows Corner
- Gallows Green
- Gallows Green
- Gallows Green
- Gallows Hill
- Gallows Hill
- Gallows Inn
- Gallowsfields
- Gallowshill
- Gallowshill
- Gallowshill
- Gallowshill
- Gallowstree Common
- Gallstown
- Gallstown
- Gallt-y-foel
- Galltair
- Galltegfa
- Gallymont
- Gallypot Street
- Galmington
- Galmisdale
- Galmoy
- Galmoylestown Lower
- Galmoylestown Upper
- Galmoystown
- Galmpton
- Galmpton
- Galon-Uchaf
- Galong
- Galore
- Galphay
- Galroostown
- Galros
- Galros East
- Galros West
- Galston
- Galston
- Galton
- Galtrigill / Galtraigeall
- Galtrim
- Galtrimsland
- Galupa
- Galvone
- Galway
- Galway
- Galwolie
- Galwolie
- Gam
- Gama
- Gamagaabue
- Gamble Hill
- Gamble’s Green
- Gamblesby
- Gamblestown
- Game Warden
- Game Wood
- Gamelsby
- Gamesley
- Gamlingay
- Gamlingay Cinques
- Gamlingay Great Heath
- Gammans Creek
- Gammaton
- Gammaton Moor
- Gammersgill
- Gammonsfield
- Gamoep
- Gamollo
- Gamston
- Gamston
- Gamtoosriviermond
- Gan Gan
- Ganap
- Ganarew
- Ganavan
- Ganaveens
- Ganborough
- Ganda
- Ganders Green
- Ganderstown
- Gang
- Gangat
- Gangeni
- Ganghae
- Ganinyi Community
- Gankwane
- Ganllwyd
- Ganmain
- Gannahoek
- Gannaholte
- Gannalaagte
- Gannapoortjie
- Gannavagh
- Gannavane
- Gannavane Upper
- Gannaveen
- Gannawarra
- Gannetts
- Gannew And Curreen
- Ganniv Beg
- Ganniv More
- Gannochy
- Gannochy
- Gannons Creek
- Gannoughs
- Gannow
- Gansa
- Gansbaai
- Gansclet
- Ganspan
- Ganspoort
- Ganstead
- Ganthorpe
- Ganton
- Gants Hill
- Ganty
- Ganwick Corner
- Ganyesa
- Gap
- Gapes Valley
- Gappah
- Gapstead
- Gapuwiyak
- Gaqangezandla
- Gara-Hupula
- Garadice
- Garadice
- Garafad / An Garadh Fada
- Garah
- Garantlapane
- Garatau
- Garballagh
- Garbally
- Garbally
- Garbally
- Garbally
- Garbally
- Garbally Demesne
- Garbh Allt Shiel
- Garbhallt
- Garboldisham
- Gardamus Great
- Gardamus Little
- Gardd Estyn
- Gardeen
- Garden Castle
- Garden City
- Garden City
- Garden City
- Garden City
- Garden Creek Outstation
- Garden Gully
- Garden Island
- Garden Island Creek
- Garden Siding
- Garden Village
- Garden Village
- Garden Village
- Garden Village
- Gardenblake
- Gardenblake Commons
- Gardeners Green
- Gardeners’ Lands
- Gardenershill
- Gardenfield
- Gardenfield
- Gardenfield East
- Gardenfield South
- Gardenfield West
- Gardenham
- Gardenhill
- Gardenmorris
- Gardenrath
- Gardens
- Gardenstown
- Gardentown
- Garderhouse
- Gardham
- Gardie
- Gardin
- Gardiners House
- Gardners Bay
- Gare Hill
- Garelochhead
- Garema
- Garenin / Na Gearrannan
- Garey
- Garfield
- Garfield
- Garfinny
- Garfiny
- Garford
- Garforth
- Gargett
- Gargrave
- Gargrim
- Gargrim
- Gargunnock
- Garhawnagh
- Garhy
- Garibaldi
- Gariele
- Gariep
- Garies
- Garinish
- Garinish
- Gariob
- Gariochsford
- Garistown
- Garizim
- Garker
- Garland
- Garland
- Garlandhayes
- Garlands
- Garleffin
- Garlegobban
- Garlic Street
- Garlicks
- Garlieston
- Garliford
- Garlinge
- Garlinge Green
- Garlogie
- Garmanagh
- Garmardi
- Garmelow
- Garmond
- Garmondsway
- Garmouth
- Garmston
- Garn
- Garn Fach
- Garn-yr-erw
- Garnagale
- Garnagowlan
- Garnakill
- Garnant
- Garnavilla
- Garndiffaith
- Garndolbenmaen
- Garner’s Drift
- Garnethill
- Garnett Bridge
- Garnetts
- Garnfadryn
- Garnieland
- Garnkirk
- Garnlydan
- Garnqueen
- Garnsgate
- Garnswllt
- Garoke
- Garoolgan
- Garr
- Garr
- Garra
- Garra
- Garra
- Garra East
- Garra West
- Garrabarra
- Garrabost
- Garrachan
- Garracloon
- Garracloon
- Garracloon
- Garracloon North
- Garracloon South
- Garracummer
- Garradevlin
- Garradreen
- Garradunga
- Garrafad
- Garrafin
- Garrafine
- Garrafrauns
- Garrafrauns
- Garraghill
- Garragort
- Garraha
- Garrahadoo
- Garrahies
- Garrahylish
- Garralacka
- Garran
- Garran
- Garran Itra
- Garran Otra
- Garranabraher
- Garranacanty
- Garranachole
- Garranacleary
- Garranacool
- Garranagerra
- Garranagoleen
- Garranakeevin
- Garranakilka
- Garranamanagh
- Garrananaspick
- Garrananassig
- Garranard
- Garranard
- Garranard
- Garranashingaun
- Garranbane
- Garranbaun
- Garranbaun
- Garranbaun
- Garranbeg
- Garranbeg
- Garranbehy Big
- Garranbehy Little
- Garranboy
- Garrancasey
- Garrancloyne
- Garranconnell
- Garrandarragh
- Garrandee
- Garrandillon
- Garrane
- Garrane
- Garrane
- Garrane
- Garrane
- Garrane
- Garrane
- Garrane
- Garrane
- Garrane
- Garrane
- Garrane
- Garrane
- Garrane
- Garrane
- Garrane
- Garrane
- Garrane Beg
- Garrane East
- Garrane More
- Garrane North
- Garrane North
- Garrane South
- Garrane South
- Garrane West
- Garrane West
- Garraneanasig
- Garranearagh
- Garraneard
- Garranebane
- Garraneboy
- Garranecore
- Garranedarragh
- Garraneduff
- Garranefeen
- Garraneishal
- Garranejames
- Garranekeagh
- Garranekeevan
- Garranekinnefeake
- Garranelahan
- Garraneleigh
- Garranenagappul
- Garranenageevoge
- Garranenamuddagh
- Garranereagh
- Garranereagh
- Garraneribbeen
- Garranes
- Garranes
- Garranes
- Garranes
- Garranes
- Garranes
- Garranes North
- Garranes South
- Garranewaterig
- Garraneycarney
- Garrangibbon
- Garrangrena Lower
- Garrangrena Upper
- Garranhalloo
- Garrankeel
- Garrankesh
- Garrankyle
- Garrankyle East
- Garrankyle West
- Garranlahan
- Garranlahan Beg
- Garranlahan More
- Garranlea
- Garranmacgarrett
- Garranmachenry
- Garranmaconly
- Garranmillon Lower
- Garranmillon Upper
- Garranmore
- Garranmore
- Garranmore
- Garrannafulla
- Garrannaguilly
- Garranrobin
- Garranroe
- Garranroe
- Garranroe
- Garranroe
- Garrans
- Garransilly
- Garranstackle
- Garranstan
- Garranswood
- Garranthurles
- Garrantrowlan
- Garranturton
- Garranty
- Garranure
- Garranvabby
- Garraree
- Garrarus
- Garras
- Garraside
- Garrata
- Garratt
- Garraun
- Garraun
- Garraun
- Garraun
- Garraun
- Garraun
- Garraun
- Garraun
- Garraun
- Garraun
- Garraun
- Garraun
- Garraun
- Garraun
- Garraun
- Garraun
- Garraun
- Garraun
- Garraun
- Garraun
- Garraun Beg
- Garraun Beg
- Garraun Lower
- Garraun Lower
- Garraun More
- Garraun More
- Garraun North
- Garraun North
- Garraun North
- Garraun North
- Garraun South
- Garraun South
- Garraun South
- Garraun South
- Garraun Upper
- Garraun Upper
- Garraun Upper
- Garraunanearla
- Garraunard
- Garraunard
- Garraunawarrig Lower
- Garraunawarrig Upper
- Garraunbaun
- Garraunbaun
- Garraunbeg
- Garraunboy
- Garraunboy
- Garrauncreen
- Garraundarragh
- Garraunfadda
- Garraunfadda
- Garraunigerinagh
- Garraunmore
- Garraunnameetagh
- Garraunnatooha
- Garraunorish
- Garraunphaudeen
- Garraunredmond
- Garrauns
- Garraunteefineen
- Garraunykee
- Garravagh
- Garravally
- Garraveasoge
- Garravesoge
- Garravin
- Garravlagh
- Garravoone
- Garreenleen
- Garreens
- Garreer
- Garreg
- Garreiny
- Garrendenny
- Garrets Green
- Garretstown
- Garretts Green
- Garrettstown
- Garrettstown
- Garrick
- Garrie Park
- Garries
- Garrifly
- Garrigill
- Garrik Bore
- Garrinch
- Garrincreen
- Garrintaggart
- Garrisker
- Garriskil
- Garrison
- Garrison
- Garrison
- Garrison
- Garrison
- Garrison
- Garrison
- Garrison
- Garrison Side
- Garrisonhill
- Garriston
- Garristown
- Garristown
- Garrivinnagh
- Garriyak
- Garrochtrie
- Garrolagh
- Garroman
- Garroon
- Garroonagh
- Garroose
- Garros / Gearros
- Garrough
- Garrough
- Garrow
- Garrow
- Garrowby
- Garrowcarry
- Garrowchuill
- Garrowhill
- Garrowhill
- Garrowlougher
- Garrthalala
- Garruragh
- Garry Claddach / Gearraidh Cladach
- Garryad And Garryduff
- Garryadeen
- Garryandrew
- Garryandrew North
- Garryandrew South
- Garryantaggart
- Garryantaggart
- Garryantanvally
- Garryantornora
- Garryard
- Garryard
- Garryard
- Garryard East
- Garryard West
- Garryarthur
- Garrybane
- Garrybaun
- Garrybaun
- Garryboghala
- Garrybran
- Garrybrit Lower
- Garrybrit Upper
- Garrybrittas
- Garrycaheragh
- Garrycam
- Garrycastle
- Garrycastle
- Garrycleary
- Garryclogh
- Garryclogher
- Garrycloher
- Garryclohy
- Garryclone
- Garrycloonagh
- Garrycloyne
- Garrycloyne
- Garryconnell
- Garrycullen
- Garrydague
- Garrydaniel
- Garrydine
- Garrydoolis
- Garryduff
- Garryduff
- Garryduff
- Garryduff
- Garryduff
- Garryduff
- Garryduff
- Garryduff
- Garryduff
- Garryduff
- Garryduff
- Garryduff
- Garryduff
- Garryduff
- Garryduff
- Garryduff
- Garryduff
- Garryduff
- Garryduff
- Garryduff
- Garryduff
- Garryduff
- Garryduff East
- Garryduff Middle
- Garryduff North
- Garryduff South
- Garryduff West
- Garryduff West
- Garryeighter
- Garryellen
- Garryfine
- Garryfine
- Garryfliugh
- Garryfrask
- Garrygaug
- Garrygibbon
- Garryglass
- Garryglass
- Garryglass
- Garryglass
- Garryglass
- Garryglass
- Garrygort
- Garrygualach
- Garryhack
- Garryhankard
- Garryhasten
- Garryheakin
- Garryheakin
- Garryhedder
- Garryhesty
- Garryhiggin
- Garryhill
- Garryhill
- Garryhinch
- Garryhinch
- Garryhintoge
- Garryhoe
- Garryhubbock
- Garryhubert
- Garryhundon
- Garrykennedy
- Garryknock
- Garryland
- Garrylaun
- Garrylaurence
- Garrylawrence
- Garryleagh
- Garryleesha
- Garryletter
- Garrylough Lower
- Garrylough Upper
- Garrylucas
- Garrymacteige
- Garrymaddock
- Garrymile
- Garrymona
- Garrymore
- Garrymore
- Garrymore
- Garrymore
- Garrymore
- Garrymore
- Garrymore
- Garrymore
- Garrymore
- Garrymore
- Garrymore
- Garrymore
- Garrymore
- Garrymore
- Garrymore Lower
- Garrymore Upper
- Garrymorris
- Garrymoyle
- Garrynabba
- Garrynabolie
- Garrynacole
- Garrynadur
- Garrynafana
- Garrynafela
- Garrynagawna
- Garrynagearagh
- Garrynageragh East
- Garrynageragh West
- Garrynagh
- Garrynaglogh
- Garrynagoord
- Garrynagore
- Garrynagoul
- Garrynagran
- Garrynagran
- Garrynagranoge
- Garrynagree
- Garrynagree
- Garrynagry
- Garrynagry
- Garrynalyna
- Garrynamann Lower
- Garrynamann Upper
- Garrynamishaun
- Garrynamona
- Garrynamona
- Garrynaneaskagh
- Garrynapeaka
- Garrynarea
- Garrynasillagh
- Garrynatineel
- Garryncahera
- Garryncallaha
- Garryncoonagh North
- Garryncoonagh South
- Garryncurra
- Garryncurry
- Garrynderk North
- Garrynderk South
- Garryndrihid
- Garryndruig
- Garrynew
- Garrynisk
- Garryniska
- Garryniskbeg
- Garrynlease
- Garrynoe
- Garrynoe
- Garrynoe
- Garrynoe
- Garrynogher
- Garrynphort
- Garrynphort
- Garryntemple
- Garryntinodagh
- Garryoughtragh North
- Garryoughtragh South
- Garryowen
- Garryowen
- Garryphelim
- Garryredmond
- Garryrichard
- Garryrickin
- Garryroan
- Garryroe
- Garryroe
- Garryroe
- Garryross
- Garrysallagh
- Garrysallagh
- Garrysallagh
- Garrysallagh Glebe
- Garryshane
- Garryshane
- Garryskillane
- Garryspillane
- Garryteige
- Garrythomas
- Garryvacum
- Garryvadden
- Garryvadden Lower
- Garryvadden Upper
- Garryvaddenbeg
- Garryvanus
- Garryvarren
- Garryvicleheen
- Garryvoe Lower
- Garryvoe Upper
- Garryvurragha
- Garrywadreen
- Garrywilliam
- Garrywilliam
- Garsdale
- Garsdale Head
- Garsdon
- Garsfontein
- Garshall Green
- Garshooey
- Garside
- Garsington
- Garstang
- Garston
- Garston
- Garston
- Garswood
- Gartacara
- Gartan Mountain
- Gartaquill
- Gartbrattan
- Gartbrattan
- Gartcosh
- Garterfarm
- Garterhill
- Garth
- Garth
- Garth
- Garth
- Garth
- Garth
- Garth
- Garth Owen
- Garth Row
- Garth Trevor
- Garthamlock
- Garthbrengy
- Garthdee
- Gartheli
- Garthmyl
- Garthoan
- Garthorpe
- Garthorpe
- Garthspool
- Gartinardress
- Gartlandstown
- Gartlea
- Gartloch
- Gartly
- Gartmore
- Gartnagrenach
- Gartnaneane
- Gartnasillagh
- Gartness
- Gartness
- Gartocharn
- Garton
- Garton-on-the-Wolds
- Gartree
- Gartsherrie
- Gartylough
- Gartymore
- Garup
- Garvagh
- Garvagh
- Garvagh
- Garvagh
- Garvagh
- Garvagh
- Garvagh
- Garvagh Glebe
- Garvaghey
- Garvald
- Garvalt Lower
- Garvan
- Garvanagh
- Garvard
- Garvary
- Garvary
- Garvary
- Garvary
- Garvary Mountain
- Garve / Gairbh
- Garvegort Glebe
- Garveross
- Garvesk
- Garvestone
- Garvetagh
- Garvie
- Garvillaun
- Garvillaun
- Garvlough
- Garvoc
- Garvock
- Garvock Hill
- Garvoge
- Garvoghil
- Garway
- Garway Hill
- Garynahine / Gearraidh na h-Aibhne
- Garyvard / Gearraidh Bhaird
- Gas Hill
- Gascoyne Junction
- Gash
- Gaskinstown
- Gaspard
- Gasper
- Gasstown
- Gastard
- Gasthorpe
- Gaston Green
- Gatacre
- Gatacre Park
- Gatberg
- Gatcombe
- Gatcombe
- Gate Burton
- Gate Foot
- Gate Helmsley
- Gateacre
- Gatebeck
- Gateford
- Gateford Common
- Gateforth
- Gatehead / Port-nah-Abhainne
- Gatehouse
- Gatehouse of Fleet
- Gatelawbridge
- Gateley
- Gatenby
- Gaterstreet
- Gates
- Gatesgarth
- Gateshead
- Gatesheath
- Gateside
- Gateside
- Gateside
- Gateside
- Gateside
- Gateside
- Gateside
- Gateside
- Gateside of Trench
- Gateway Plaza
- Gatewen
- Gatewicke
- Gathabawn
- Gatherley
- Gathurst
- Gatji
- Gatlalakgomo
- Gatlas
- Gatley
- Gatley End
- Gatleys Creek
- Gatong
- Gatterstown
- Gatton
- Gatton
- Gattonside
- Gatum
- Gatwick
- Gatwick
- Gauber
- Gaufron
- Gaulby
- Gauldry
- Gaulross
- Gaulstown
- Gaulstown
- Gaulstown
- Gaulstown
- Gaulstown
- Gaulstown
- Gaulstown Lower
- Gaulstown Upper
- Gaultiquoy
- Gaultree
- Gaulu
- Gaunt’s Common
- Gaunt’s Earthcott
- Gaunt’s End
- Gauntons Bank
- Gaunts
- Gaurus
- Gautby
- Gauxholme
- Gavial
- Gavinton
- Gawber
- Gawcott
- Gawler
- Gawler
- Gawler River
- Gawler View
- Gawley’s Gate
- Gawny
- Gawsworth
- Gawthorpe
- Gawthorpe
- Gawthorpe Green
- Gawthrop
- Gawthwaite
- Gay Bowers
- Gay Street
- Gay View
- Gaybrook
- Gaybrook
- Gaybrook Demesne
- Gaydon
- Gayfield
- Gayhurst
- Gayle
- Gaylee
- Gayles
- Gayndah
- Gaynestown
- Gayside
- Gayton
- Gayton
- Gayton
- Gayton
- Gayton Engine
- Gayton le Marsh
- Gayton le Wold
- Gayton Thorpe
- Gaywood
- Gazeley
- Gazini
- Gciala
- Gcina
- Gcwaleni
- Geaglom
- Gearagh
- Gearagh
- Gearagh
- Gearagh
- Gearagh
- Gearagh East
- Gearagh West
- Gearanaskagh
- Geararoe
- Gearha
- Gearha North
- Gearha South
- Gearhadiveen
- Gearhameen
- Gearhameen
- Gearhanagoul
- Gearhasallagh
- Gearradubh / Gearraidh Dubh
- Geàrraidh Gadhal
- Geàrraidh na Mònadh
- Geary
- Gearymore / An Gearraidh Mòr
- Geashill
- Geashill
- Geaurie Glen
- Gebelum
- Gedding
- Geddington
- Gedenk
- Gedgrave
- Gedgrave Hall
- Gedintailor / Gead an t-Sailleir
- Gedling
- Gedney
- Gedney Broadgate
- Gedney Drove End
- Gedney Dyke
- Gedney Hill
- Geduld
- Geduld
- Geduldfontein (2)
- Gee Cross
- Gee Wee
- Geeberga
- Geegeela
- Geegullalong
- Geehanstown
- Geehy North
- Geehy South
- Geelbeksdam (1)
- Geelbeksdam (2)
- Geelblom
- Geelboom
- Geelbospan
- Geelengla
- Geelhout
- Geelong
- Geelong West
- Geelwal
- Geengee
- Geera
- Geeragh
- Geeralying
- Geeston
- Geevagh
- Geeveston
- Geevraun
- Gefn
- Gegin
- Geham
- Geilston
- Geinas
- Geisiadar
- Gelantipy
- Gelaro
- Geldenhuis
- Geldeston
- Gell
- Gelli
- Gelli
- Gelli-hâf
- Gellibrand
- Gellideg
- Gellifelen
- Gellifor
- Gelligaer
- Gelligroes
- Gellilydan
- Gellinudd
- Gellioedd
- Gelliondale
- Gellyburn
- Gellygron
- Gellywen
- Gelorup
- Gelshagh
- Gelsmoor
- Gelston
- Gelston
- Geluk
- Geluk
- Geluk
- Geluksburg
- Geluksdam
- Geluksfontein
- Gelukshof
- Gelukshoop
- Geluksoord
- Gelukspan
- Geluksvlei
- Gelukwaarts
- Gelukwaarts
- Gelvandale
- Gelykfontein
- Gemalla
- Gembling
- Gembrook
- Gembrook North
- Gembrook South
- Gembrook West
- Gemfane
- Gemini
- Gemini Downs
- Gemoka
- Gemsbokbult
- Gemsbokfontein
- Gemsbokhoek
- Gemsbokvlakte
- Gemvale
- Genadedal
- Genadendal
- Genagh
- Genasfontein
- Gendros
- Genesis Green
- Geneva
- Gengqe
- Genoa
- Genoembies
- Genstown
- Gentlemens Gully
- Gentleshaw
- Geocrab
- George
- George Green
- George Hill
- George Nympton
- George Town
- George’s-Land
- Georgeham
- Georgenholtz
- Georges Creek
- Georges Creek
- Georges Plains
- Georgestown
- Georgetown
- Georgetown
- Georgetown
- Georgetown
- Georgetown
- Georgetown
- Georgeville
- Georgia
- Georgia
- Georgian Park
- Georgica
- Georgida
- Georgina
- Georth
- Gepps Cross
- Gerahies
- Geraldine
- Geraldine Downs
- Geraldine Flat
- Geraldton
- Gerang Gerung
- Gerangamete
- Geranium
- Geranium Plain
- Gerard’s Bridge
- Gerby
- Gerdau
- Gerddi Bluog
- Gergask
- Gerhardtsput
- Gerinish / Geirinis
- Gerlan
- Gerluk
- Germansweek
- Germantown
- Germantown
- Germiston
- Germiston
- Germiston
- Germoe
- Gernon Bushes
- Gernonstown
- Gerogery
- Gerogery West
- Gerrans
- Gerrard’s Bromley
- Gerrards Cross
- Gerrardstown
- Gerrardstown
- Gerrib Big
- Gerrib Little
- Gerrick
- Gerringong
- Gerroa
- Gerry
- Gertplaas
- Gertrudsburg
- Gertsepan
- Geseilfa
- Geselskap
- Gesini
- Geskanagh Glebe
- Gestingthorpe
- Gethsemane
- Geuffordd
- Geufron
- Geurie
- Geweroo
- Geysdorp
- Gezinsila
- Gheerulla
- Gheringhap
- Ghinni Ghi
- Ghinni Ghinni
- Ghooli
- Ghyll Head
- Ghyllgrove
- Giants Grave
- Giantsgrave
- Gib Heath
- Gibb Hill
- Gibb Rock
- Gibberagee
- Gibberagee
- Gibberpatrick
- Gibberwell
- Gibbet Hill
- Gibblockstown
- Gibboghstown
- Gibbons
- Gibbonsdown
- Gibbonsmoor
- Gibbonstown
- Gibbonstown
- Gibbonstown
- Gibbs Marsh
- Gibbston
- Gibbstown
- Gibinbell
- Gibletstown
- Gibraltar
- Gibraltar
- Gibraltar
- Gibraltar
- Gibraltar
- Gibraltar
- Gibraltar
- Gibraltar
- Gibraltar
- Gibralter
- Gibralter
- Gibshill
- Gibsmere
- Gibson
- Gibson’s Hill
- Gibsonvale
- Gibstown
- Gibstown
- Gibstown
- Gibstown
- Gibstown
- Gibstown Demesne
- Giddaun
- Giddeahall
- Giddy Green
- Gidea Park
- Gidginbung
- Gidjana
- Gidleigh
- Gidley
- Gidlow
- Giffard
- Giffard Park
- Giffnock
- Gifford
- Giffordtown
- Gigg
- Giggetty
- Gigginstown
- Giggleswick
- Giggshill
- Gight
- Gignog
- Gikal
- Gilberdyke
- Gilberries
- Gilbert River
- Gilbert Street
- Gilbert’s Coombe
- Gilbert’s End
- Gilbert’s Green
- Gilberton
- Gilbertstone
- Gilbertstown
- Gilbertstown
- Gilbertstown
- Gilbertstown
- Gilbertstown
- Gilbertstown
- Gilbinstown
- Gilbury Hard
- Gilcagh
- Gilcar
- Gilchriston
- Gilcomston
- Gilcrux
- Gilderoy
- Gildersome
- Gildersome Street
- Gildingwells
- Giles Corner
- Gilesgate
- Gilesgate Moor
- Gileston / Silstwn
- Gilfach
- Gilfach
- Gilfach Garden Village
- Gilfach Goch
- Gilfachreda
- Gilfoot
- Gilford
- Gilford
- Gilgai
- Gilgai
- Gilgais
- Gilgandra
- Gilgarran
- Gilgoen
- Gilgooma
- Gilgunnia
- Giligulgul
- Gilirri
- Gilkagh
- Gilkagh East
- Gilkagh West
- Gill
- Gill’s Green
- Gilla
- Gillamoor
- Gillan
- Gillar’s Green
- Gillardstown
- Gillarona
- Gillbank
- Gillbent
- Gilldora
- Gillen
- Gillens Siding
- Gilles Plains
- Gillesbie
- Gillespies Beach
- Gillets Ridge
- Gilliamstown
- Gilliat
- Gillies
- Gillies’ Knowe
- Gillieston
- Gillieston Heights
- Gilling East
- Gilling West
- Gillingarra
- Gillinggall
- Gillingham
- Gillingham
- Gillingham
- Gillingstool
- Gillinstown
- Gillitts
- Gillmoss
- Gillock
- Gillock
- Gilloge
- Gillow Heath
- Gillroyd
- Gills
- Gillsbreck
- Gillstown
- Gillstown
- Gillstown Great
- Gillstown Little
- Gilltown
- Gilltown
- Gilltown